Good Morning to All!!!
May I share a couple of my favorite scriptures? They are ones I always rely on to hold me up even when I am down.
'ALL things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.........Romans 8:28
'For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you a hope and a future.....Jeremiah 29:11
If these are not already familiar to you, please take the time to look them up. They can be a beacon of light in our darker days.
I just spent the last several days in 'the dark'. With various health isssues and trials facing family members, I just 'caved' under the fear, hurt and uncertainity of things!! I am not proud of that. As a believer I know that I should be stronger, I should be leaning on the Lord more and questioning less!!?? However, we ALL have these times don't we? We live in a fallen world full of pain, hurt, confusion, and at times anger. Anger at life, ourselves, others around us, and if we are honest? Often times we direct our anger and hurt at the Lord!! That is how I spent this last week or so. I felt a deep despair. With prayers, and thanks to all who prayed with me, I began to find the 'Scattered Little Blessings'. Some, honestly were not so 'little'! However, when you are in that pit of depression, even the good is hard to find. Daily, with His strength and help, I do believe we can find our way out. It is often a little by little process, however, He will continue His work within us!! My family circumstances have not changed. How I CHOOSE to look at them is beginning to change. I do not know all the things that many of you are struggling with. It is my hope and prayer that, today, you lay it all at the feet of our Lord Jesus. That you be honest with Him in your prayers, allow Him to begin to work in your circumstances. Now, let me assure you, Brenda and I are Grannies yes! But we have our own life stories, our own histories, our own 'been there done that'. Whether it was ourselves, family, or friends that have experienced life to the fullest, lol, we probably understand whatever you may be going thru. We hope to be used of the Lord to be of help, a place where we can share, grow, and lift one another up and just get blessed by one another!! Blessings and prayers to You!! Linda
Linda you presented this so beautifully! I would like to add that the special people that the Lord has brought into our lives, are there for us also. Our friendship has help both of us through alot of trials. Saying the Lord is the base of our friendship. I truely believe the Lord arranges experiences with different people that can hep one another. Take the time to look around you and see who is there you can share your love of God with. Have a BLESSED day!