Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Better Days!!!!

You know those times when you just feel soooo 'not worthy' and unable to get done all the things that you know He has called you to do? Well, I am so at this place lately. It is tough to get thru those feelings when you are in the midst of them!!

This morning I went to one of my favorite sites:


Todays lesson was on EXACTLY what I have been feeling. What a blessing the Lord gave me this AM on this site. Gave me a lot to think about and to strive for.

Does not mean that I suddenly got it together or that even I am instantly feeling better. Yet, it has given me a push and a hope that I can plow thru the morning and try to move forward in a more positive direction?!

Also, look into:


Both these sites will give you a blessing each morning!!

I pray that each of you have a good day today!

Love that you stop by. Please leave a comment and say hello. Both Brenda and I hope to hear your stories and learn from one another!!

God Bless,

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