Gosh, it has been awhile since updating the blog. So sorry for that!
With gkids, life and commitments tend to take center stage so often! Lol!
Hope that our blog followers are doing well and life is treating you good!
Brenda has been very busy sewing and crafting as a new grand baby is expected to arrive in a few short weeks! Such a blessed and exciting time for her family! Also, her computer is down for the count right now .
Soooo......will keep you updated for her!
Life these days is teaching us both a lot! Or, more importantly, God is!!!
We both will be in more daily involved roles with our gkids. As we get older and less sure of our health and these aging bodies????? It gets a bit scary. But the joys our grandchildren of all ages, bring us? We cannot even express the wonder of it!!
Isn't God amazing?
Every day is a new beginning, a new challenge to learn from and enjoy!
Absolutely some days more than others? Some days far more difficult ?!Some days just pure joy and blessings !
Yet I am learning that thru each moment, each trial and phase of life that He is there and He is always willing to stand beside me, help and guide me IF I allow Him to! If I can manage to let Him be God and quiet myself to hear His still voice inside me!
Let's challenge ourselves to take some moments of each of our busy days. To calm and quiet ourselves and let God be God within our hearts!
May He bless and go before your day today!